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Request a New Pentest

Initiate a new penetration test request by following these steps:

General Information

  1. Navigate to the "Penetration Tests" section in the main menu.

  2. Click on "Request a New Pentest."

  3. Fill in the required fields:

    • Project Name: Enter a descriptive name for the pentest.

    • Project Details: Provide a brief overview of the pentest objectives.

    • Requested Start and End Date: Select a specific start and end date you would like the pentest to take place.

Select Penetration Test Type

  1. After entering the general information, click "Next."

  2. Choose as many types of penetration tests you need from the available options:

    • Internal Network Penetration Test

    • External Network Penetration Test

    • Application Penetration Test

    • Mobile Application Penetration Test

    • Social Engineering

    • API Penetration Test

    • Physical Security Penetration Test

    • Wireless Security Penetration Test

    • Cloud Security Penetration Test

    • Vulnerability Scan

    • Other Testing

  3. Select the appropriate test types and click "Next."

Scope Details

Once you select the penetration test type, specific details relevant to that test type will be displayed for you to provide additional information.

  1. Fill out the requested information to the best of your abilities.

  2. In the “Additional Details” box, include any additional information relevant to your tests.

  3. In the “Attachments” section, attach any relevant documents to your pentest.

Scoping description and templates are provided here

Review and Submit

  1. Review all the details you have entered for accuracy.

  2. If any changes are needed, use the "Previous" button to return to previous steps and make adjustments.

  3. Once everything is correct, click "Submit" to send your request for approval.

  4. Your request will be reviewed, you will be provided with a proposal, and the penetration test will be scheduled upon acceptance.