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When you move your mouse over the side bar, you'll see the navigation bar expand to show all the links to different parts of the application. This makes it easy to find and navigate to the section you want to explore.

In the expanded navigation bar, you'll see drop-down menus or links to all the main sections or categories of the application. These drop-down menus help you quickly access different areas or features of the application without having to go back to the homepage.

Breadcrumbs are like a trail of breadcrumbs that help you find your way back home. They appear at the top of the page and show you the path you've taken from the homepage to the current page you're on. For example, if you're looking at a specific penetration test report, the breadcrumbs might show "Home > My Penetration Tests > [Penetration Test Name] > Report".

You can click on any part of the breadcrumb trail to easily navigate back to a higher-level page in the application's hierarchy. This way, you always know where you are within the application and can easily find related pages or sections.